The need is real, your contribution is needed and greatly appreciated, today and in the future.
Kathy Criswell-Martin lived a life based on her faith and filled with uncountable acts of kindness to others. Her passing has inspired the creation of Kathy’s House Foundation to not only honor Kathy’s life but build a lasting legacy to that life well lived! The goal of Kathy’s House will be to provide a “home” environment for families and patients at Reynolds Memorial motivated by that indomitable spirit. Families facing a medical crisis, long term care or oncological services are often in need of a place for comfort and support. Kathy’s house served as the center of our family and was the epitome of comfort but her caring nature extended well beyond that. Friends, friends of friends, neighbors, or any soul in need were welcome at Kathy’s house. Holidays and special occasions were filled with love, laughter and the comfort of being together. It is the environment that we seek to provide with the creation of Kathy’s House. Everyone was welcome at Kathy’s House!
Kathy’s House Foundation was created and immediately began reaching out to people by filling “Kathy Bags” and distributing them to patients at WVU Medicine-Reynolds Memorial Hospital and their cancer center. From there, they have been a part of Relay for Life, Tim Tebow’s Night to Shine, the Cinderella Project, WTRF’s Founders Day and Foster Care Organization, and many other outreach programs. Kathy’s House, along with help from the Marshall County Commission and Warren Distribution, has also honored hundreds of Marshall County Veterans over the last few years with filled “Kathy Bags” as tokens of appreciation for their service. However, Kathy’s House Foundation's long-term goal is to expand our facility in Glen Dale and open a hospitality house near WV Medicine-Wheeling to help families with loved ones there.
“Kathy’s House” is and will be a place where patients and their families can be “at home” away from home while receiving medical care. Kathy's House will provide all of the comforts of home including such things as food, bedrooms, tv, shower, washer/dryer, and a warm, friendly atmosphere. The mission of Kathy’s House Foundation is to carry on Kathy’s legacy of caring and sharing by continuing to reach out to others and to offer assistance in whatever way possible.
Help us raise funds and awareness for this most needed home. We are only as strong as those in our community.
Contact Us
As we build Kathy's House, we need the help of volunteers, donors and good-minded, fellow citizens to make this dream a reality. Please contact us with any questions, and we'll respond as soon as possible.
P. O. Box 163
Glen Dale, WV 26038
© 2020 by Kathy's House Foundation