Hello KH friends!
It’s that time of year again. The leaves are turning, football is in full force, the holidays are just around the corner and Noah’s Pantry is gearing up to feed Ohio Valley families! Unfortunately, the price of turkey is up 73% and most other food/hygiene items have seen similar price hikes. For 8 years now, Noah’s Pantry has fed hundreds of families, including the 6,000+ lunches we served during the pandemic. So, we’re relying on your generosity to do it again this year. Our food drive will run thru through Friday November 17th when we begin food distribution. Each family will receive a turkey, a bag of canned goods, a bag of dry goods and hygiene items. We have outgrown the storage space that we have, so this plea is also for an industrial sized freezer to take advantage of future commodity purchases. Whether it $5, $10 or a hundred dollars+, every cent is needed.
To Donate please visit;

Food items can be left in the collection bin under the Noah's Pantry sign. Items are collected daily

The sorting has begun!
